Stack Commerce Theme Updates
- Transparency – Home Page Sections can now have a transparent background with scroll over effect. The site and mobile background images are added under Your Website Features. Applies to repeated sections also
- Banner Section – when a section background image is specifically applied, it re-sizes responsively to always show the full image regardless of screen size. The section height adjusts responsively
- Menus – Sub Menus now have a shadow box effect to make them stand out further. After 6 columns the sub menus open to the left to avoid going off screen
- Tiles Section – buttons are now optional
- News Section – removed the ‘more link’ now the entire area clicks through to the detail
- CTA tiles button is optional and all content is clickable
- Club Ribbon – removed headings to display larger images. Now the headings show as labels on hover over – colours can be configured. Better staking for mobile screens
- Global page header colour – A new setting in Your Website Features. You can set a global colour setting that displays underneath the title of website pages. If you leave it blank it will be transparent and you will be able to see the site background image. Or, you can apply a specific image underneath the title within the individual page settings.
- Header and Footer are reverted to sentence case – giving you the option of customising your display case
- Fixed issue with inconsistency of bullet point font sizes between dashboard and front end display
- the colour of headings in home page sections can now be customised, and are also reflected when the sections are repeated on other pages. If no heading is entered then the height of the section adjusts accordingly. Overall we have eliminated some wasted space by reducing the height of sections
- within ‘Your Website Features’ you can set a colour for the headings of the pages within your site (non-home pages). This allows you to contrast better with underlying images
- the Counter, Partners and Additional Partners sections can now have headings
- improved display of you tube videos when embedded in pages
- secondary menu now displays above the main menu. Colours of the secondary menu are set within the Header area
- removed the name option underneath the sponsor logo in the main menu banner. The sponsor logo now displays and behaves the same as the main site logo
- widened the display area of content on site pages to avoid wasted space on larger/wider screens
- added a free text section above the accordion for Staff page template
- introduced a News Slider section on limited release – we are working on further improvements to this feature before a more general release
VERSION 2.1.2 & 2.1.1
- minor performance enhancements and bug fixes
- improvements to dashboard instructions
- ensure button background and text colours pull through to all site buttons
- FAQ page template – you can now add text above the FAQ accordion
- Team and Staff page templates now show four across and have better responsive handling
- display venue on match centre matches – if available from GameDay Passport
- improved style of main menu incorporating header colours – forced upper case, hover over drop down, reverse colours for sub menus
- main menu handles multiple tiers of sub-menus
- huge improvements to mobile menu operation
- Match Centre layout and style improvements to match site header colours, and added match location
- improved descriptions for set up of Match Centre in Dashboard
- removed the more site links add on – no one was using it
- set site default font to Lato Bold 700. This is available in WYSIWYG editors also – in future we will allow optional default fonts to be set
- improvements to image display for News, CTA and Tiles. Now any aspect ratio will still show the entire image
- introduced favicon administration under Your Website Features
All prices are quoted at their per annum price and are exclusive of any relevant added taxes